news july19 for copt4G
18.07.2017 12:08
Church News in English
news july19 for copt4G
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News on Wednesday blessed July 19, 2017 Dec 12 Aviv 1733 partners of preparation eat Copts in the world : news of the church locally : disclaimer from the media centre of the Coptic about the rumors about His Holiness the pope to trouble the health of his income to the impact of the hospital which is naked of health +++ the Pope advised Copts to exist with the time of food: give follow-up to families +++ pastor Luke satisfied to invite those interested in the "pastoral visit" in Assiut +++ news Coptic locally : Security agencies warn of terrorist threatened to blow up the Church of the Virgin mansoura Office of the Governorate of dakahlia + + + - husseini about calling my predecessor was deprived of paradise on the magdi yacoub: steal the character of God and by yourself a +++ 

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